Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana: Has completed graduate studies at the Bosphorus University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Master of CEDs "Centre d'Etudes et diplomatiques stratégiques", Paris. Holds the title Doctor of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy, given by "CEDs (Centre d'Etudes et Diplomatiques Stratégiques), estimated by Magna Cum Lauda, Paris, France. Hass a long experience in the field of Higher Education in Albania covering high executive duties in institutions of higher education. Since 2011 holds the position of Rector at ‘Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University. |
Prof. Asoc. Dr Rahim Ombashi: Has completed the study program in Linguistics and Literature Faculty of History and Philology, University of Shkodra and Tirana University. During more than 35 years is not shared by undertaking research studies in several areas. In 1994 he became "Doctor", and in 1999 takes the title "Associate Professor". |
Dr. Altin Shegani: Degree in Law at the University of Tirana, Master in Criminal Sciences at the University "Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV" France, 2002. Has earned a Ph.D. at the University "Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV" France as well as Doctor of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana. Dean of Law Department and Criminal Law lecturer at the University of Tirana. |
Dr. Ferdinand Xhaferaj: Degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Tirana in 1988, Master of International Security and Civil-Military Intercompany, December 2002, in U.S. Masters on National Security matter on December 2002, in U.S.A, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA. In June 2006 earned the title Doctor in Defense Academy. Prof. Xhaferi has covered high office in public administration as Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. Currently Advisor to the Prime Minister, President of the Institute for Dialogue and Cooperation. Lecturer of the course International Organizations and Institutions at ‘Hëna e Plotë” (Bedër) University and Aleksandër Moisiu University in Durres. |
Doktorant Skënder Bruçaj: Degree in psychology at "Bosphorus" University. Master degree at Epoka University. Currently, continues doctorate studies at the European University of Tirana. Areas of specialization are legal psychology and criminology. |
Phd Iliriana Kaceli: Graduated in "History" at the University of Tirana. Master Studies conducted at the University of Istanbul. Currently he is PhD at the University of Tirana and lecturer of History of Institutions and History of Albanian People. |
Ma Ada Güven: Graduated in law at the University of Tirana, "Master of European Studies" at Epoka University with thesis: "The participation of women in political, gender quotas: the case of Albania". Currently Family Law lecturer at “Hëna e Plotë”(Bedër) University. |
Ma Gentian Skara: Graduated in law from the University of Tirana, Master in “European Studies" at Epoka University with thesis: "EU Civilian Operations Management: A case of EULEX in Kosovo". In 2012 is registered for a master's program in Law (LL.M.) in "European Integration and East European Law" at Graz University in Austria with thesis: "The SAP integration as an ILO mechanism for the Western Balkans: The case of Albania ". |
Ma Bledar Uku: Graduated in law from the University of Tirana, Master in “European Studies" at Epoka University . In 2012 he successfully finished the second cycle studies in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe, a Cooperation organized by the University of Bologna and Sarajevo and funded by the EU. Since October 2012 is part of Law Department at “Hëna e Plotë”(Bedër) University. |
Prof. Dr. Ayhan Tekineş: Has completed undergraduate and master studies at Marmara University, Istanbul. Then completed his doctoral studies at Sakarya University. Currently has the scientific degree of Doctor in Humanities and scientific title "Professor". |
Dr. Agron Tufa: Has completed graduate studies in A.M. Gorky Institute in Moscow. Postgraduate studies at the Institute of European Cultures - Moscow. Currently it is "PhD" from the University of Tirana. |
Dr. Mark Marku: Completed his undergraduate studies at Languages and Literature at the University of Tirana and Master Degree at Journalism in the same university. Get PhD title with regard journalism at the University Paris 8 / Paris - France. |
PhD Ramadan Çipuri: Has completed undergraduate studies at Istanbul University, Communication Science (Journalism), Master (WUAs) at the University of Tirana / Faculty of Social Sciences. Master in Political Science and International Relations at Epoka University. Currently is a candidate for the title "Doctor" from the University of Tirana. |
PhD Hasan Bello: Has completed graduate studies at Luigi Gurakuqi University, department of History and Geography, Master studies at Mimar Sinan University / Istanbul. Currently is a candidate for the title "Doctor" by the Albanological Study Center/ Tirana. |
Ma Emirjon Senja: Completed Bachelor studies in the Department of Journalism and Communication, Faculty of Philology of History, University of Tirana. After completing the studies involved in the field of economic journalism as a reporter in the national newspaper "Shekulli" until September 2012. During this period ended second cycle studies, Master of Science with the profile: European and International Journalism. |
Ma Rudi Dunga: Completed graduate studies in the Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Tirana. After graduating in 2008 engaged in the field of journalism. In 2011 began working at “Hëna e Plotë” (BEDËR) University, the position of Chancellor of the Faculty of Humanities. In March 2012 successfully completed the second cycle studies, Master of science in the Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Tirana, European and International Journalism profile. |
Dr. Mohamed Fatahallah El Mitwalli: Completed the graduate studies at Al-az’harit University, Usulid-din “Basics of Religion” and Master studies from the same university at "Call (sermon) and Islamic culture". In 2009 get the title “Doctor” from the same university. |
PhD Atakan Derelioğlu: Born in 1975 in Kocaeli / Turkey. In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Marmara. Starting from 2002 for nine years now has taught at the International School of Bucharest in the history of religions subjects, Islam and PSHE (Personal Social Health Education). In 2005 completed masters at Sakarya University. He is currently continuing his doctoral program at Marmara University. |
PhD Adil Kutlu: Born in January of 1971 in Turkey in Sarıkaya from the city of Yozgatit. Undergraduate studies conducted in the country of birth, while the graduate studies in 1993, at Atatürk University, in the city of Erzurum. He worked as a teacher at High Schools within the Albanian and abroad, mostly on Medrese high school. Continued doctoral studies at the European University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences. |
MA Veton Tulla: Born in 1979 in Prizren. In 1997 matured in the Medrese school of Prizren and in 2005 graduated from the Faculty of Theology of the Ez'her University in Egypt. During the period 2008-2010 he worked in the Medrese school of Tirana and the Cerrik. Currently working as a lecturer at Bedër University and is pursuing a master program of the university. |